What Is Rosacea?
Rosacea is a chronic skin disease that causes redness and swelling on the face. The scalp, neck, ears, chest, back and/or eyes may also be affected. Symptoms range from red pimples and visible blood vessels to dry or burning skin and a tendency to flush easily. Many people find that the emotional effects of rosacea – such as low self-confidence and avoidance of social situations – are more difficult to handle than the physical ones.
Who Gets Rosacea?
Although it can affect anyone, rosacea typically appears in light-skinned, light-haired adults aged 30-50 years of age.
What Triggers Rosacea?
Certain things like heat, stress, spicy foods, hot beverages, and alcohol can make people with rosacea flush more, so it is often recommended that these be avoided.
What Are The Treatments For Rosacea?
Although rosacea is not curable, it can be kept under control with topical and oral medications, and intense pulsed light therapy and certain lasers can be used to help diminish broken blood vessels.